Sunday, April 18, 2021
#Covid19 #EmergencyHealthCare #OxygenCylinder #Remdemsevir #Tocilizumab #Actindra #CovidCareCentres #FreeTests #Delhi #Mumbai
One can check availibility of bed by visiting following website
Hi All ,
You can visit this website and connect with the nmmc helpline numbers for bed anywhere in Navi Mumbai.
It also gives you current occupancy in various hospitals and isolation centers.
Ventilator status and O2 beds
Dear friend,
Kindly let us know
any family is isolated and unable to cook food due to infection of
Covid, in Panvel, in and around Navi Mumbai, SEAL can provide them
cooked food and basic medicines.
Please share the message, so that it can be of great help to the suffering people in this pandemic.
Let's all pray for our Nation and the fellow brotheren who all are going through this suffering.
May God protect all of us.
Mob. 9594780333 / 8108688029 9082455467 9892492510
The following Google Sheet has in 2 tabs:
1) Contact Numbers
2) Links of Social and Web Pages
We have crowdsourced 50+ Resources to cover the following requirements:
✅Oxygen Cylinder
✅Plasma Donation Banks
✅Free Medical Consultation
✅Remdesivir Injections
✅Nationwide Tocilizumab Distributor
+91 98805 98624: JAN SEWA NO PROFIT NO LOSS
Any family in need of oxygen can reach 8447390017
12 ltr oxygen @ Rs.400/- only.
No profit No loss.
Please forward, it can save someone's life.

State-of-the-art facility for all civil citizens who are symptomatic and COVID POSITIVE at zero cost in Delhi-NCR.
Courtesy Indian Army, DRDO and Tata Group
Friends, I have something to share which can be very helpful for citizens affected by Covid-19.
The Indian Armed Forces, in collaboration with DRDO, has set up a state-of-the-art, 1000-bedded Covid Care Hospital right in the heart of Delhi (very close to Domestic Airport T1) without any fanfare.
Meant to extend a helping hand to civilian brethren and ex-servicemen, the Vallabbhai Covid Hospital admits anybody and everybody who is symptomatic and who is Covid positive. Everything is FREE.
Manned by critical care specialists, pulmonologists, doctors and nursing officers of the Indian Armed Forces, this hospital is delivering yeoman service in its quiet and unassuming way.
With Covid cases shooting up again in Delhi and as critically ill patients run from pillar to post to find facilities, this facility stands as a beacon of hope. One gets quality care, absolutely free for needy patients.
Share it in your network. You may be saving a patient in need.
#Healthcareleadership #Covid19India #TogetherWeWin2020 #leadership #healthcareworkers #TogetherAgainstCovid19
#TogetherWeRise #leadgeneration
Contact # +917303885601, Near Terminal 1, Next to Raksha Sampada Bhavan.
I am posted for physician cover.
Please do circulate this for the benefit of the needy.
With regards,
Lt Col Praveen,
Med Specialist.
1. Covid only in Nose - recovery time is half a day. (Steam inhaling), vitamin C. Usually no fever. Asymptomatic.
2. Covid in Throat - sore Throat, recovery time 1 day (hot water gargle, warm water to drink, if having temp, then Paracetamol. Vitamin C, Bcomplex. If severe then Antibiotics.
3. Covid in Lungs- coughing and breathlessness 4 to 5 days. (Vitamin C, B complex, hot water gargle, Oximeter, Paracetamol, Cylinder if severe, lot of liquid required, deep breathing exercise.
Stage when to approach hospital :
Monitor the oxygen level. If it goes near 93 (normal 98-100) then you need oxygen cylinder. If available at home, then no hospital else admit.
Stay healthy, Stay Safe!
Tata Group has started good initiative, they are providing free Doctor's Consultation online through chats. This facility is started for you so that you need not to go out for doctors and you will be safe at home.
Below is the link, I request everyone to take benefit of this facility. consultation/general-physician
+91 74069 28123:
Advice from inside isolation hospitals, we can do at home
Medicines that are taken in isolation hospitals
1. Vitamin C-1000
2. Vitamin E
3. sitting in the sunshine for 15-20 minutes.
4. Egg meal once ..
5. take a rest / sleep a minimum of 7-8 hours
6. drink 1.5 liters of warm water daily
7. All meals should be warm (not cold).
And that's all we do in the hospital to strengthen the immune system
Note that the pH of Corona Virus varies from 5.5 to 8.5
Therefore, all we have to do to eliminate the Virus is to consume more Alkaline foods above the acidity level of the virus.
Such as :
Green lemon - 9.9 pH
Yellow Lemon - 8.2 pH
Avocado - 15.6 pH
* Garlic - 13.2 pH
* Mango - 8.7 pH
* Tangerine - 8.5 pH
* Pineapple - 12.7 pH
* Watercress - 22.7 pH
* Oranges - 9.2 pH
How to know that you are infected with Corona Virus?
1. Itchy Throat
2. Dry Throat
3. Dry cough
4. High temperature
5. Shortness of breath
6. Loss of smell ....
And Lemon with warm water eliminates the virus in the beginning itself, before reaching the Lungs ...