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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Quote - A new beginning

"Beginning again is possible because life is possible. We can choose to go on, entering the fullness that is at the heart of all things. Starting over is the step we take because of a small vow we make to ourselves. I choose to live."

-- Paula D'Arcy in Maryknoll Book of Inspiration

'Affirmation' for the new dawn

Affirmations are wonderful tools to anchor in our selves a new positive idea, which with the uplifting emotions that you feel when you use it, will create for you a new and desirable reality.
Here’s what you can do: First read the below affirmation a few times so you have memorized the essence of it. Then close your eyes, quiet your mind and sit still for a few minutes. Repeat the affirmation at least 3 times in your mind, each time "feeling" yourself letting go, and then being filled with the joy of wonderful experiences to come. Continue to sit still for a few more minutes just feeling this experience. This whole exercise will not take more than 15 minutes and you can do it at anytime when you are undisturbed.
"I willingly release the tired, worn energies of the past year that served me well and open my heart and Being to the new regenerative energies of my present moment. I embrace this spiritual new year with love, acceptance and anticipation of greater experiences yet to come, and release the past with love and blessings."

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